VACS Facts
A Clinician’s Handbook for Childhood & Adult Immunizations in Georgia
VACS FACTS was developed and produced by the EPIC® (Educating Physicians and Practices In their Communities) program at the Georgia Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (GA AAP) and the Immunization Program, Georgia Department of Public Health. A special thanks to Janet McGruder, MBA, BSN and Aralis Tavarez, RN, BSN with the Immunization Program for their hard work and dedication which made this edition of VACS FACTS possible. The editors would also like to thank the Georgia Chapter – American Academy of Pediatrics and other EPIC partners, the Georgia Academy of Family Physicians, Georgia OB/Gyn Society, Georgia Chapter-American College of Physicians (Internal Medicine), and the Immunization Office for their support and participation in the EPIC Immunization Program.

The contents of this handbook were derived from the following publications & source documents:
- Department of Health & Human Services
National Vaccine Advisory Committee - Immunization Action Coalition
- 2021 Report of the Committee on Infectious Disease
32nd Edition, American Academy of Pediatrics, Red Book - CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Recommendations
The material published in this edition of VACS FACTS is current as of January 2023. For the most up-to-date immunization information readers are advised to visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) website here.
For more information on EPIC or to schedule an EPIC Immunization Program in your office, contact the Georgia EPIC program by calling 404-881-5054 or email: ohahnemann-gilbert@gaaap.org or visit our website.
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